心を探る: キリスト教と仏教の違い
Searching One's Heart : The Difference Between Christianity and Buddhism
Japanese for Missionaries の西本です。今回も、よろしくお願いいたします。
This is Nishimoto from Japanese for missionaries.com
Thank you for watching again.
Today I would like to talk a little about the theme of "searching the heart".
In Psalm 139, verses 23 and 24, we read the following.
「神よ 私を探り 私の心を知ってください。
"Search me, O God, and know my heart.
私を調べ 私の思い煩いを知ってください。
Search me, and know my thoughts, and know my anxieties.
私の内に 傷のついた道があるかないかを見て
See if there is a wounded path in me or not.
Lead me in the way of all eternity."
Our God is one who searches and examines our hearts.
He shows us our hidden sins and leads us to repentance.
And God reveals to our hearts Jesus who took our sins that we cannot deal with and paid them off in our place.
When I believed in Jesus, the first thing I understood was that there is One who searches my heart.
When I returned to the God who made me, He spoke to me in the words of the Bible.
I had never experienced anything like this until that moment.
It does not mean that I hear God's voice directly with these ears, but it certainly means that there is a voice that resonates in my heart.
I had done meditation while doing Zazen before, but at that time I was searching my own heart.
I ruminated over various good teachings in my mind, but I had never thought that someone other than myself could search my heart and speak to my mind.
I would like to mention a little about Buddhism here.
As you all know, Buddhism starts from the point of not acknowledging the existence of God.
Even though there is God to whom they can ask, "Please search my heart," they do not accept His existence.
Therefore, in Buddhism, they have moved in the direction of humans searching their own hearts.
Depending on the Buddhist sect, meditation or Zazen meditation is used to calm the mind and search the heart.
They learn the teachings of Buddha or the various teachings of those who are said to have attained enlightenment, and they ruminate on them in their minds.
Then, they practice Buddhism with the goal of reaching the state of “Nirvana” in Sanskrit, the state in which they are free from “Blind Passion”, which is said to be the root cause of suffering.
But no matter how good a Buddhist teaching may be, it is a teaching that comes from human beings.
Let us focus, for example, on the nature of sin.
聖書に記されている「罪」の概念を ‐ 中身は違いますけれども ‐ 仏教では「煩悩」という言葉で教えています。
The concept of "sin" as described in the Bible is taught in Buddhism under the term“Blind Passion,” though different in content.
Buddhism also explains that temptations from the outside are not the biggest problem, but that “Blind Passion" that comes from within oneself is the root cause of all suffering.
Then, they meditate and practice in order to reach a state of peace and tranquility, where the fire of their burning “Blind Passion”is extinguished by enlightenment and all suffering is eliminated.
However, there is no clear answer to the question of where this “Blind Passion” ultimately originated.
For example, one Buddhist teacher explains that "Blind Passion" arises from a calculating mind that unconsciously thinks only of their own interests.
However, this explanation also does not provide a clear answer as to where "Blind Passion" ultimately originated.
Why is there no clear answer preached?
As you all know, the essence of sin is not acknowledging God. For example, it is like saying to your father, "I don't know you.”
A person in such a state will never be able to find the answer to the question of what sin is and where it comes from, even if he meditates and practices.
No matter how much he meditates and practices, he will never be able to see the "essence of sin.”
Not only Buddhists, but many Japanese people may have decided from the beginning that they do not accept the God that the Bible says.
It seems as if a fog of unbelief fills Japan.
Where does that fog of unbelief come from?
It seems that this fog of unbelief is created by preconceived notions and prejudice against Christianity.
It can also be said that there is the work of evil spirits.
I would like to talk about this in another video when I have a chance.
So, how can we tell those who believe in Buddhism and those who do not yet know God that there is God who searches our hearts?
In Japan, it seems that Christians often testify about Jesus on a one-on-one basis through various situations and lead people to faith.
In this context, we are wondering if we can somehow create opportunities to open and read the Bible together with unbelievers.
For example, inviting them over for dinner or tea, or after an English conversation lesson, we might be able to give them a chance to read the Bible together briefly.
I, too, have tried to read the Bible shortly to my own family whenever I have had the opportunity.
Since I became a Christian, I have made such opportunities as much as possible. My mother accepted Jesus into her heart after 5 years, my sister after 7 years, and my father after 9 years.
I realize that it certainly takes time.
If you have this opportunity to read the Bible with an unbeliever, it is a great chance for them to experience the living and working God.
Why not start by praying like this.
"Dear God, we are going to read the Bible now. Please speak to our hearts and search our minds."
Let us pray that God will touch that person's heart directly.
It is the words of the Bible that have power. And God the Holy Spirit works in our hearts.
Let us pray that we will be given the opportunity to read the Bible with those who do not yet know God.
今日はここまで。Japanese for Missionaries 西本でした。
That's all for today, this is Nishimoto from Japanese for Missionaries.com