Japanese for Missionaries の西本です。今回も、よろしくお願いいたします。
This is Nishimoto from Japanese for Missionaries.com
Thank you for watching again.
Today I'm on the banks of the Kurome River, which is near my house.
As you can see, it is a very beautiful river, carps are swimming and various birds are here.
By the way, I would like to talk about Shintoism again this time.
We won’t be studying Shintoism in depth.
I would like to take a look at the fact that Shintoism has some influence on our lives.
In a children's book, there is a passage, "God, who is closely related to our daily lives."
What do you think of this passage?
As a Christian, I think, "Oh, that's right," but the book actually contains the following content so that children can understand it.
"There are various gods in Japan, for example, the gods that help for college entrance exams, for business prosperity, and for giving marriage partners, or for warding off evil and so on. In this way, various gods are enshrined in many places."
As a Christian, I don’t think this is right.
However, I myself, who was born and raised in Japan, accepted the contents of the book without any resistance before becoming a Christian.
I also remember going to the shrine in the New Year and praying together to protect my family from disasters and to keep my work going well.
It isn’t that I did believe in Shinto but I was influenced by Shinto.
Also, if you go to a shrine, they will pray for you to get rid of bad luck.
In Japan, there is a "Yakudoshi". “Yaku” means bad luck.
For example, be careful when you are 33 years old for women, and be careful when you are 61 years old for men. In that year, various disasters are likely to occur, so people go to the shrine to pray for getting rid of bad luck .
More than 40 years ago, I also visited a shrine to have a prayer for getting rid of bad luck .
Since my mother had been in bed for many years, I was conscious that this disaster might have something to do with the invisible world.
One day I heard that there was a very famous shrine for warding off evil.
So I went there to ask for getting rid of bad luck .
So I was told as follows.
"Put expensive fruits and other things, etc. on the corner of the town where you live now, and you can get rid of the trouble."
And I did exactly what I was instructed. However, I did not see any recovery of my mother’s condition.

However, I would like to say here that I myself did such things not as a religion but as a custom that was passed down.
Now that I know only the true God, I can understand the mistake, but many Japanese visit the shrine without any resistance to wish for the benefit, and to ask for the disaster to be dispelled.
大事なことは、神道に漠然とした影響を受けている典型的な日本人である このわたくしが、唯一真の神様と出会って、クリスチャンになることができましたので、もし、神様の福音にふれさえしたら、他の日本人の方々も救われるチャンスがあるということです。
それでは、今回はここまで、Japanese for Missionaries の西本でした。
The important thing is that I am a typical Japanese who is vaguely influenced by Shinto, and the person like me could meet the only true God and become a Christian.
So when the gospel of God touches the heart of Japanese people, they will have a chance to be saved like me.
Next time, I would like to talk about how I, a typical Japanese person, was saved.
That’s all for today. This is Nishimoto from Japanese for missionaries.com